Middle Eastern Weddings: can be assured, will be a happy happy binding, particularly with emphasis that the culture of the Middle East to the family. Loyalty and respect of the family has, and will always be top priority. The family comes before the individual. Marriages were organized and still are today. For those who reside in the West, whose limits are less rigid, it is customary to request approval and ask parents the permission to marry.
A brief history of marriage in the Middle East:The Middle East includes the lands around the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf; the generally accepted definition of nations in Asia of the Iran to the Egypt. The Middle East also defines a cultural area, although it is noted that journalists most often speak of lands in North Africa such as North Africa. The lands of the Middle East include: Bahrain, Egypt, Turkey, Iran (Persia), Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Yemen and the Palestinian territories of West Bank and Gaza.
Influences on marriage in the Middle East:
(a) Culture. There are many different cultural groups including Arabic, Persian and Turkish cultures. Other significant groups include the Kurds, Berbers, Assyrians and Chaldeans.
(b) Religion. The main religions are Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Druzism.
(c) language There are four major languages, Persian, Arabic, Turkish and Hebrew.
(d). geography If a sedentary oasis, or live a nomadic lifestyle as roaming tribe of Bedouin shepherds lead by their Sheik oasis to oasis. Then there is the boarder of the Mediterranean, Indian, African cultures, influences etc., and the field of dessert dry rolling green Plains.
(e) wealth. As with all cultures that the prosperity of the family will verify the profligacy of the marriage.
Marriages in the traditional Middle East:
There are five steps in the Middle East below marriages. However, given the diversity of the Middle East it should be recognized there are tribal, cultural, regional, religious and language differences, so what follows is a general overview.
(1) A part of the commitment, to celebrate the union of the couple pending and together the two families. The future may change his holding up to five times.
(2) The marriage contract was signed at the Palace of justice, after which will follow another part. Once again, the bride may change his holding up to five times.
(3) The henna party has always held a day before the marriage. The bride, dressed in green, will have his hands and his feet to ward evil spirits.
(4) wedding and wedding reception. During the marriage, the couple will exchange rings. Subsequently, there is a banquet of marriage, in which guests are given five pieces with almonds, representative of the health, happiness, wealth, fertility and longevity. Click here for an Arabian marriage Banquet
(5) The wedding shower, ?Sabaa?, always takes place seven days after the marriage. Gift is given, the mother of bride?s gives traditionally gold and diamonds.
Attire for weddings in the Middle East:
If attending a wedding in a mosque, men should wear long pants and shirts. Women should dress modestly, (to ensure that their arms and legs are covered) and cover the head. Shoes should be left at the door. Men and women pray separately. The Imam leading prayers.
The costume of groom?s include a tunic, pants, will be over-garment with a cloth sash and head belt or size. The latter can be a turban, ?tarbush?or ?kafiyyeh?. The costume of bride?s will be similar to the groom?s, except that his clothes are going to be highly decorated and include wearing a mask. The choice fabric may be social status. Choice in decoration may be marital status. Both indicate the heritage and tribal affiliations.
As a general rule for a woman joining ?hijab? , everything should be covered regardless of his hands, face and feet. Must be a ?chador? headscarf and a long dress/more coat ?abayah? (or ?abbaya?), or ?jilbab?.
A ?shirsh? is a dress of a length with tight sleeves. A ?thob? is a too long dress that folds in the middle with large sleeves. ?burqas? is a name given to the mask, and ?yashmak? and ?batula?. The trousers that narrow at the ankle is called ?sirwai?.
If you have been invited to a marriage of Middle Eastern and still have questions that you have not found the answers here, then feel free to ask the groom or future. I am sure that they would be delighted to share their customs with you.
Marriages of the Middle East

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