eHow Food, Rachael Ray and her Buddies want to show you how to get more out of every day, every meal and every moment.

Stir together the butter and sugar in a large mixing bowl. Add vanilla extract and eggs into the mix and stir until they are blended. Pour the flour, baking powder and salt into the liquids. Stir the ingredients together until they're completely mixed and form a dough.
2Cover the bowl with cellophane and place it in a refrigerator for one to two hours, until the dough is chilled.
3Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit about 30 minutes before you plan to bake the cookies.
4Sprinkle some flour on a clean, flat surface and put the chilled dough on top. Roll the dough with a rolling pin until it is about 1 inch thick. Press a tractor-shaped cookie cutter into the dough. Remove the cutout and place it on an ungreased baking sheet. Continue cutting out tractor shapes from the dough. Ensure you have at least enough cookies to give one to each guest. The recipe will provide enough dough for about five dozen cookies. Place the cookies in the oven and bake for eight to 10 minutes, or until they turn lightly brown around their edges. Remove them from the oven and allow them to cool.
5Dab a small rubber spatula into a frosting. This frosting should be the color you want the tractor cookie favor to be, such as red or green. Spread the frosting over all of the tractor-shaped cookies, covering the entire surface of each cookie.
6Place a few spoonfuls of black frosting into a plastic bag. Snip off the very end of one corner of the bag. Squeeze the black frosting from that corner onto the cookie to create the two circular tires of the tractor, using the shape of the cookie as a guide. Color in the tires with the black frosting.
7Use the black frosting in the bag to write the name of one guest in the center of the tractor cookie. Make this name above the tires. Slowly move the frosting across the cookie to form each letter of the name. For longer names, create smaller lettering as you scroll the letters across the cookie.
8Place a clean bandana across a platter. This will give the cookie display a barnyard or rugged tone. Lay the finished tractor cookies onto the platter. Display the cookies near the exit of the party for guests to take with them as they leave.
Package the tractor cookie favors for guests to take home by lightly wrapping each cookie in a grease-proof paper and placing it in an individual gift box.
Photo Credit Photos.com/Photos.com/Getty Images; Read Next:
eHow Food, Rachael Ray and her Buddies want to show you how to get more out of every day, every meal and every moment.

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