The "Transformers" franchise of animated series and movies centers on an advanced race of alien robots who disguise themselves as vehicles and other machines while they fight a war on Earth. In their fight against the evil Decepticons, the good Autobots have recruited a number of robot warriors, including the hero Sideswipe, who appeared in "Transformers 3: Dark Side of the Moon." When he's not operating in his 15-foot-tall battle mode, Sideswipe takes the guise of an advanced concept Corvette sports car. You can create your own Sideswipe costume with simple materials.Difficulty:ModerateCardboardStraight edgeBox cutterDuct tapeElasticCraft glueStaplerSilver spray paintBlack spray paintPaintbrushBlack sweat suit1
Cut a flat piece of cardboard about 2 feet wider than your chest and about 1 foot longer than the distance from the top of your head to the top of your thighs. Designate one end as the front of the car, then mark with the straight edge a horizontal line across the width of the cardboard about 2 feet from the front to create Sideswipe's hood. Make two parallel vertical lines the length of the cardboard, as far apart as the width of your chest, leaving about 1 foot on either side.
Cut with the box cutter along the horizontal line from each outer edge to the nearest vertical line, without cutting the horizontal line between the two vertical lines. Instead, fold the cardboard along the horizontal line. Make a "valley fold," which is a fold where the crease is pointed downward, to mark the bottom of Sideswipe's windshield.
Use the straight edge to mark two lines from the corners of the windshield's bottom edge. Extend each line about 12 inches toward the rear of the car and about 6 inches in from the nearest vertical line. Carefully cut along those lines, then make a "mountain fold" (where the crease points upward) horizontally between the ends of the cuts to create the top of Sideswipe's windshield.
Mark two parallel vertical lines extending back about 1 1/2 feet from the top corners of the windshield. Draw a horizontal line between the ends to mark Sideswipe's roof. Cut from the edges of the cardboard to the rear corners of the roof, then make a mountain fold to mark the top of the rear windshield. Make the rear windshield about 8 inches deep and cut off any excess cardboard.
Assemble the top of the car by following the folds in the cardboard. From front to back, you should have Sideswipe's hood, front windshield, roof and rear windshield. Mountain fold the cardboard flaps left on either side to form Sideswipe's doors, mountain folding and tucking under any excess cardboard. Do the same with the excess cardboard on the rear windshield.
Flip over the car top. Duct tape all the cardboard flaps in place to hold the car top together. Use a stapler for added strength. Turn the car top right-side up. You should have what looks like the cockpit of a car with the hood in front. Note that the hood will be wider than the cockpit portion.
Turn the car top over again. Glue and staple two elastic bands under the car's roof. Cut the elastic so it is long enough to go over your shoulders but will still hold the car top snugly on your back.
Create Sideswipe's front fenders by cutting two pieces of cardboard about 20 inches wide and as long as the length of your arm from shoulder to fingertips. Take one piece, measure in about 6 inches from one long edge, and make a mountain fold. Cut 8 inches in from the front along that fold. Do the same in mirror image with the other piece of cardboard.
Draw the side image of a front fender and tire on the widest part of the cardboard. Make the bottom of the fender straight, but make the top of the fender slope down slightly from the end of the cut you made. Cut out the fender and tire shape. Do the same on the other piece of cardboard.
Assemble the front fenders by folding along the mountain crease and bending the top of the fender to meet with the fender side. Tape it together with duct tape, then cut two pieces of elastic for each fender, long enough to go around your forearm but snug enough to hold the fender securely on your arm. Attach the elastic with glue and staples on both front fenders.
Create the rear fenders by cutting two pieces of cardboard 24 inches wide and as long as your shin from ankle to kneecap. Mountain fold each piece about 8 inches from one long side, remembering the two sides are mirror images.
Draw the image of a rear fender and wheel on the largest section of the folded cardboard. Cut it out and fold the fender along the mountain crease, securing it with duct tape and staples. Add two elastic strips to hold the fender to your lower leg, using glue and staples to hold the elastic in place. Repeat all actions on the other fender.
Cut a full-face mask out of the cardboard. Give it hard, mechanical looking edges, and cut large holes so you can see. Add a piece of elastic to hold it on your head.
Spray paint all pieces silver, waiting at least an hour between coats. Mask the windshields, windows and tires, then spray paint them black. Add more details with black paint and a paintbrush.
Put on the black sweat suit, then add your robot parts over it. Place the car's top on your back with the hood sticking up behind your head. Place the front fenders on your arms and put the rear fenders on your lower legs. To "transform," kneel down with your knees under you and your arms and body parallel to the ground. The car top and hood should fit over the four fenders, making you look like a sports car.
Have an assistant help you with the measuring and final fitting of your costume. You should not be uncomfortable when in car mode.
Wear knee and elbow pads if you plan on doing a lot of "transforming."
Children should not handle box cutters because they are very sharp.
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