This book has 12 different types of bouquets, wiring methods, professional touches, Luke, a girl flower flowers, flowers and leaves. He has more than 160 pages with color photos of each step for beginners.
Check it out!
This book has 12 different types of bouquets, wiring methods, professional touches, Luke, a girl flower flowers, flowers and leaves. He has more than 160 pages with color photos of each step for beginners.
Purchase glass lanterns and remove the panes of glass. Place battery-operated tea lights inside. Print copies of your wedding photos onto vellum for a soft effect. Place the panes on the copies of your wedding photos and trace the outline of the glass onto the photos. Cut off the extra paper and replace the panes of glass in the lantern with the photos behind them. The tea lights will produce a subtle glow, illuminating your best-loved images.
Include an old-fashioned dressing screen in your home's decor and affix your photos to its face. To accomplish this, string lengths of ribbon around each panel and knot them tightly at the back of the screen. Slip the photos between the ribbon and screen to keep then in place. If one strand of ribbon on each row is not stable enough, use two parallel ribbons to keep the photos from falling.
String up rows of flexible clothesline on one of your walls and attach your photographs to the line by clothes-pinning them in place. This method lends a rustic appeal to any space, and you can hang dozens of photos at a minimal cost. To secure the clothesline at either end, knot the ends to form a small loop at either end and slip the loops over a nail in the wall at each end.
Paint or purchase wallpaper that resembles a collage of gilded portrait frames and cut out the space inside the frames. Affix your wedding photos behind the paper so it appears to frame your photos. Hang the panels of wallpaper using the clothespin method from section three or attach them to your walls as if they were posters.
Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images; Read Next:Wait until after the Teddy Bear magnolia is finished blooming in the fall.
2Wet a clean rag with one part rubbing alcohol and one part water. Wipe down the blades of your pruning or lopping shears to sterilize them. This step is especially important if your tools were previously used on sick or diseased plants.
3Select the Teddy Bear magnolia branches you want to prune. This is not an exact science. For example, prune the longest, most askew branches, cut off the lower branches so it looks more like a tree or shape it so it looks like a shrub. Or, cut the entire plant back by 12 to 18 inches to keep the magnolia more compact.
4Make clean, sharp cuts just above a leaf node or parent branch and your Teddy Bear magnolia should recover nicely when it begins to grow again in the spring.
Do not cut your Teddy Bear magnolia tree back too hard. It's better to shape it over several years than to try to do it all at once.
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Wrap a soft tape measure around your head --- start just above your forehead. Wrap the tape measure downward to the nape of your neck and continue wrapping the end of the tape measure back up to your forehead. Subtract 2 inches from this measurement. The headband will end up a little bit shorter than this for a comfortable fit behind the bottom of the ear.
2Cut three pieces of medium-gauge jewelry wire to the length obtained in the above measurement.
3Align the three wires side by side and twist one end of the wires together. Slide a plastic or rubber headband end cap over the top of the ends to make a smooth end that doesn't irritate your head.
4Fill each of the wires loosely with the crystal or pearl beads. Leave about 1/2 inch of wire empty at the ends and wrap a little bit of tape over the wire ends to keep the beads in place for now.
5Twist the length of the wires into a loose braid and bend the wires into a headband shape.
6Remove the tape and twist the ends of the wires together. Slide a plastic or rubber headband end cap over the wires.
7Trim the wire ends of the pearl sprigs to about 1/2 inch long. Wrap the wire ends at random places along the length of the headband. You may add more or fewer pearl sprigs if you desire.
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It is so easy to get caught up in the wonder of creating your own arrangements, bouquets, corsages and boutonnieres that they are all you think about. But don’t get so caught up in the flower creation and preparation that you end up with another kind of Last Minute Oh No. I’m talking about the moment after you’ve put that last centerpiece down, take a deep breath and then realize, you’ve got less than an hour to prepare for the biggest day of your life and the slip for your wedding dress is hanging in the closet. At your mother’s. Two hours away.
Things are always going to be forgotten when preparing for your wedding, especially if you are a DIY bride and are doing your own floral arrangements. One of the smartest things you can do is take an hour before that final push to get everything place and pack a bridal emergency kit. Or if you are the Maid of Honor, what better way to help your friend by getting a check list together and making sure that everything she will need in those last hours before the ceremony is packed and already at the church or hall waiting for her.
Here are some things you should consider having available on your wedding day in case of an emergency.
Grooming: hand lotion, wet wipes, tissues, cotton balls, cotton swabs, make up, makeup remover, nail polish in shade worn, nail polish remover, nail file, tweezers, small grooming scissors, small hand towel, lint brush, curing iron/hot rollers, hair dryer, brush, comb, hair spray, hair gel, bobbin pins, hair elastics, barrettes, headband or clips for pulling hair back while applying make up, tooth brush, tooth paste, floss, mouth wash, baby powder, deodorant, perfume
Attire: garter, clear nail polish for runs in panty hose, extra earring backs, extra buttons, flat shoes for the reception, iron, extra panty hose, safety pins, sewing kit with thread that matches the bride’s and bridesmaid dresses, masking tape or sewing tape for last minute ripped hems, small scissors for thread, club soda or other stain removal solutions
Health/Medical: antacid, antihistamine, cold remedy, prescription medications, aspirin, pain relievers, bandages, upset stomach remedy, feminine hygiene products
Miscellaneous: extra copies of directions to reception, breath mints, cell phone and home phone numbers of all wedding participants, contact information for all vendors, snacks, cooler with juice/sodas/bottled water, champagne and glasses, small flashlight, folding utility knife, duct tape.
Feel free to add your own unique items to the list!
Find a raid to join. If you have a guild -- a group of people who join together to help other players with leveling, raiding and general game play -- you may be able to join a raid group of people you trust. Because the tier 8.5 is from a 25-man raid, it will be very well organized and precise. Be careful when joining a raid of unknown players, as many can keep you from receiving any loot. Before joining, ensure the loot will be distributed fairly.
2Kill Thorim is one of the bosses in Ulduar, in "The Clash of Thunder" room. Thorim is a titan watcher who resembles a large Norse god. Once defeated, he can drop a token called "Crown of the Wayward Conqueror." Take that token to Paldesse, a cloth armor merchant in Dalaran, to buy "Conqueror's Deathbringer Hood," the headpiece for the 8.5 tier. Because your raid may skip certain bosses if no one needs any loot, inform your raid group if you need something from one of the bosses.
3Battle Hodir, a giant watcher in the "Halls of Winter." Once defeated, he may drop the token for the chest piece of the warlock costume, called "Breastplate of the Wayward Conqueror." Take the token to Paldesse in Dalaran to buy "Conqueror's Deathbringer Robe."
4Kill Mimiron, a large mechanical gnome from the room called "Spark of Imagination." Once defeated, there is a chance he will drop the gloves called "Gauntlets of the Wayward Conqueror," which can be taken to Paldesse and used to buy "Conqueror's Deathbringer Gloves."
5Fight Freya, a female giant found in "The Conservatory of Life." When defeated, Freya may drop the pants token called "Legplates of the Wayward Conqueror," which can be taken to Paldesse and exchanged for "Conqueror's Deathbringer Leggings."
6Fight and kill Yogg-Saron, a monster boss who is very difficult to beat. You'll find Yogg-Saron in "The Prison of Yogg-Saron." Once defeated, it may drop the shoulder token, "Mantle of the Wayward Conqueror," which can be taken to Paldesse for "Conqueror's Deathbringer Shoulderpads."
The tokens may not drop every time the boss is killed.
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Step by step video tutorials walking brides through the make your own wedding invitations. Using the works, comes with most computers, they can make a full wedding invitation. Very detailed, easy to learn. Envelope solution adds value.
Take a 12-inch-wide Styrofoam ball into a well ventilated area — out of direct sunlight at a steady temperature of 70 degrees. Stick a toothpick halfway into the left side of the ball. Repeat with a second toothpick for the right side.
2Tie an 18-inch string to the left-side toothpick and the free end of the same string to a nearby post. Tie a second 18-inch string to the toothpick on the right side. Pull the free end of the string taught and tie it to a nearby post. The ball is now strung in mid-air, allowing for a total liquid-spray coating.
3Coat the entire ball with one layer of plastic-coating aerosol spray. Allow 24 hours for the coating to dry. Coat the entire ball with chrome-colored spray paint. Allow a second 24 hour period for the ball to dry before handling or displaying.
Photo Credit Jupiterimages/ Images; Read Next:If you are looking to do something spectacular with your reception centerpieces, consider using Manzanita branches. The high style centerpiece to your left was created using silver painted Manzanita branches with hanging crystals in a glass vase with black aqua beads. Manzanita is native to the foothills where I live. It is naturally a dark reddish brown color with sage green foliage. In it’s natural state it looks lovely in a vase; however, when you paint it a different color, not only do you change the look, you change the style of the centerpiece. The painted Manzanita takes on a more modern feel, while the natural Manzanita is, well, earthy, organic, natural looking/feeling.
This versatile branch can be incorporated into any style reception you are considering. Doing a Rustic Chic or County style reception? The Manzantia is perfect just as it is as shown here to the right. This centerpiece is an example of natural Manzanita in a vase without any fillers.
In addition to adding crystals to the branches, you can use hanging votives, different sizes and shapes of crystals, cymbidium orchids, strands of dendrobium orchids (like a straight lei), ornaments…..use your imagination and come up with something unique that you will love.
Below is an example of natural Manzanita branches with green cymbidium orchids attached in various places among the branches. This was one of two pieces used for an outdoor ceremony site.
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The template is really the best man speech that you can download and use literally minutes before the party. It's funny, clever and most importantly the speech for any best man in any wedding is guaranteed!
Wedding colors and creating the perfect wedding day flowers in the custom picture is of. But the colors to create the correct combination may be daunting. Basic information about the system configuration is 4, and each will be definitely a bit of a eki you think out what colors will make your special day in the help for the complete. Of course, choose the first flowers, the thing is that you want to be and appear to some extent, the colors that you selected in the type. Color wheel is an excellent tool, than you have to sit and plan your wedding.
Related or monochromatic, the colors of the -this is the easiest to create the systems, because it lasts for one color and the use of different shades, such as pale pink, pink, red, dark red in color. You can prevent this search system, mixing the bland flowers, that you are using the Framework types. This will help to create the great diversity and appeal to the eye as well as keeping the related theme.
Free colors – the colors, which are on opposite color of the bike. Examples are the yellow and purple or red and green. If you think about it, much of what we think of the traditional holiday colors are just the Complimentary colors, the color of the bike. You can even take this step and continue to use some of the Monochromaic system and the eliments gives the appearance of the different types by using the Complimentary color on different shades.
Triadic colors -this system is a little more difficult, and it consists of a color in the color using three circles that appear in one trip. Or to form a triangular shape, as shown in the picture. They do not compliment each other and can be difficult to deal with. An example of the triadic colors are blue, yellow and red, or purple, orange and green.
Eripurainen colors – this color scheme is a difficult language elements, and is best left to professionals. It consists of two sets of complementary colors. It takes a special skill to put these together without the color clash.
One of the most common culprits behind the light bulb not performing properly is the fact that the bulb has simply burned out and needs to be replaced. No need to call a repairman, either; taking the DIY approach will save you money by not having your fridge serviced, plus this fix can be performed in just a few minutes. First, as a safety precaution, unplug the fridge from the wall. Open the fridge and detach the bulb cover -- it’s usually located on one of the top shelf walls depending on your particular model. Put on some safety gloves to prevent damaging the bulb and pull the bulb out and dispose of it. Then insert a new bulb that is the same size and wattage as the old one. Replace the cover and plug in the fridge.
Fridge doors work because of a small pressure plated switch that pops up when the door is open; when it’s closed, the switch is repressed. Chances are if you’ve replaced the bulb and the light isn’t coming on, the switch may be stuck down in the frame of the fridge. Locate this switch by looking inside the fridge’s door frame, near where the door hinges -- the switch should be located someplace underneath the first set of hinges. In other Frigidaire models, this button will be on the inside frame opposite the hinges. In either case, check to see if the button is squashed down into the frame; if so, try pressing down hard on it several times in an effort to get to get it to snap into the correct position. If the switch looks fine but the light still isn’t coming on, the connection may be bad.
Unfortunately, if you don’t have experience with electrical work, this maintenance issue is best left to the professionals. The receptor switch underneath the pressure plate may be experiencing a bad connection. This means the door needs to be removed and the connector needs to be fished out and re-wired with a new one. Consult the manual that came with your particular Frigidaire model concerning service calls to local Frigidaire service centers.
Speaking of manuals, realize that most Frigidaire models’ warranties only cover manufacturer’s faults and will not cover lighting issues unless it’s a switch connection problem. Calling a service repairman to replace the bulb for you or to check the switch will more than likely result in service charges, which can be expensive. Consult you refrigerator’s manual or log on to for more information.
Photo Credit Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images; Read Next:Lay a clear shower curtain over the top of your yellow or white vinyl raincoat and use a black marker to trace the outline of the opening between the hood and the rest of the jacket. Cut this piece out of the curtain using a pair of scissors.
2Sew the clear plastic piece into the raincoat so that when you put it on with the hood up, your face will be covered with a layer of plastic. Poke some holes in the plastic to ensure that you won't have any difficulty breathing while wearing the suit.
3Use a prepared stencil of the biohazard symbol, or make your own by tracing an image of the symbol onto a piece of cardboard and cutting out the appropriate sections. Re-create the image on the back of your vinyl raincoat using black paint, then add words like "Hazmat" or "Biohazard" across either the back or the front of your suit. Allow the paint ample drying time before wearing the costume.
4Put on the jacket along with vinyl pants, rubber boots and gloves in a matching color and a pair of plastic safety goggles as an added touch. You can also wear a surgeon's mask, but since you already have a plastic layer protecting your face, this accessory is optional.
To make the costume spooky, create a "gross-out" factor by adding some splatters of red or green paint to the suit. Another idea is to do your makeup to look as though you were exposed to the hazardous material and disfigured as a result.
Photo Credit Hemera Technologies/ Images; Read Next:That’s correct, you read it right. On this past Sunday I met Sandi Romena at the Wedding and Party Faire. Sandi has designed “Bib 4 Brides”…she tells the story or her daughter getting red sauce on her wedding gown during the reception dinner and how that prompted her to create the Bib’s for both brides and grooms. Isn’t this a fabulous idea? I just thought it was fabulous and wanted to share this with all of you.
If you’d like more information, reach out to Sandi at
Cut a flat piece of cardboard about 2 feet wider than your chest and about 1 foot longer than the distance from the top of your head to the top of your thighs. Designate one end as the front of the car, then mark with the straight edge a horizontal line across the width of the cardboard about 2 feet from the front to create Sideswipe's hood. Make two parallel vertical lines the length of the cardboard, as far apart as the width of your chest, leaving about 1 foot on either side.
2Cut with the box cutter along the horizontal line from each outer edge to the nearest vertical line, without cutting the horizontal line between the two vertical lines. Instead, fold the cardboard along the horizontal line. Make a "valley fold," which is a fold where the crease is pointed downward, to mark the bottom of Sideswipe's windshield.
3Use the straight edge to mark two lines from the corners of the windshield's bottom edge. Extend each line about 12 inches toward the rear of the car and about 6 inches in from the nearest vertical line. Carefully cut along those lines, then make a "mountain fold" (where the crease points upward) horizontally between the ends of the cuts to create the top of Sideswipe's windshield.
4Mark two parallel vertical lines extending back about 1 1/2 feet from the top corners of the windshield. Draw a horizontal line between the ends to mark Sideswipe's roof. Cut from the edges of the cardboard to the rear corners of the roof, then make a mountain fold to mark the top of the rear windshield. Make the rear windshield about 8 inches deep and cut off any excess cardboard.
5Assemble the top of the car by following the folds in the cardboard. From front to back, you should have Sideswipe's hood, front windshield, roof and rear windshield. Mountain fold the cardboard flaps left on either side to form Sideswipe's doors, mountain folding and tucking under any excess cardboard. Do the same with the excess cardboard on the rear windshield.
6Flip over the car top. Duct tape all the cardboard flaps in place to hold the car top together. Use a stapler for added strength. Turn the car top right-side up. You should have what looks like the cockpit of a car with the hood in front. Note that the hood will be wider than the cockpit portion.
7Turn the car top over again. Glue and staple two elastic bands under the car's roof. Cut the elastic so it is long enough to go over your shoulders but will still hold the car top snugly on your back.
8Create Sideswipe's front fenders by cutting two pieces of cardboard about 20 inches wide and as long as the length of your arm from shoulder to fingertips. Take one piece, measure in about 6 inches from one long edge, and make a mountain fold. Cut 8 inches in from the front along that fold. Do the same in mirror image with the other piece of cardboard.
9Draw the side image of a front fender and tire on the widest part of the cardboard. Make the bottom of the fender straight, but make the top of the fender slope down slightly from the end of the cut you made. Cut out the fender and tire shape. Do the same on the other piece of cardboard.
10Assemble the front fenders by folding along the mountain crease and bending the top of the fender to meet with the fender side. Tape it together with duct tape, then cut two pieces of elastic for each fender, long enough to go around your forearm but snug enough to hold the fender securely on your arm. Attach the elastic with glue and staples on both front fenders.
11Create the rear fenders by cutting two pieces of cardboard 24 inches wide and as long as your shin from ankle to kneecap. Mountain fold each piece about 8 inches from one long side, remembering the two sides are mirror images.
12Draw the image of a rear fender and wheel on the largest section of the folded cardboard. Cut it out and fold the fender along the mountain crease, securing it with duct tape and staples. Add two elastic strips to hold the fender to your lower leg, using glue and staples to hold the elastic in place. Repeat all actions on the other fender.
13Cut a full-face mask out of the cardboard. Give it hard, mechanical looking edges, and cut large holes so you can see. Add a piece of elastic to hold it on your head.
14Spray paint all pieces silver, waiting at least an hour between coats. Mask the windshields, windows and tires, then spray paint them black. Add more details with black paint and a paintbrush.
15Put on the black sweat suit, then add your robot parts over it. Place the car's top on your back with the hood sticking up behind your head. Place the front fenders on your arms and put the rear fenders on your lower legs. To "transform," kneel down with your knees under you and your arms and body parallel to the ground. The car top and hood should fit over the four fenders, making you look like a sports car.
Have an assistant help you with the measuring and final fitting of your costume. You should not be uncomfortable when in car mode.
Wear knee and elbow pads if you plan on doing a lot of "transforming."
Children should not handle box cutters because they are very sharp.
Read Next:One of this year, the wedding is something called a rustic Chic. Generally more relaxed than the traditional wedding or formal style, rustic themed reception is can also be very budget-friendly Recessonista all you Brides. The theme of rustic reception indoors or out, which is the perfect choice if you are planning easier with an outdoor reception but must fall back on the rain that seamlessly turns the case from one location to another, from the moment of notice.
Now I know what you all need to be thinking, does not immediately display the peasant recalled the elegance, but believe me, nothing could be the truth. Rustic is not only and cotton around the sunflower, it is a great textures, such as linen, damasks and other tone-tone fabrics a wonderful rich wood tones of mixing. Not to be afraid in any combination with the theme of rustic, which belongs to all of the charm. Think of using many different styles of candlestick table, or the party Wedding guest book over the territory. The hidden springs of flowers with a textured color strips to make the perfect napkin rings.
Next time, I will share ideas to create a complete arrangements for the reception of a Chic rustic "!, one of the premier online florist destinations once to give its new customers a nice discount for doing business with them the first time around.
If you are a first timer, and you place and order with Proflowers they will discount your purchase 20% if you spend a minimum of $39.99. That’s about an $8 dollar savings on the minimum purchase. You can get some pretty nice bouquets for that price.
If you have never visited the site you might agree that they have a pretty good array of floral products to choose from so finding and arrangement in that price range will not be hard. And many of their bouquets come with a free premium vase with a flower order. Some of these vases may have a $9 value that you are getting for free. This offer isn’t ongoing and expires by Sept 11, 2011.
Perhaps Proflowers has to compete a little more for each new customer it gets in such a competitive online market with FTD, Teleflora, 1800Flowers and others encroaching on their market share. But it all boads well for the consumer looking to save a little on their purchases in a tough economy.
Proflowers still showcases some of the best looking floral bouquets compared to its competitors and continue provide consumers with a brevy of special offers and deals on purchasing flowers.
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It was a delight to meet Preston Bailey and work with his very talented staff. They learned from me and I learned from them….What was most shocking to me was the fact that there were many differences in terms of which what supplies were available on the East Coast vs. the West Coast. I assumed we would have all the same materials available on both coasts, and that turned out to be NOT true.
On the East coast they have some water picks available that I have never seen on the West Coast. I am determined to find them, even if I have to have them shipped from New York! The water picks had a tube on the end of them about 1 inch long and a hyacinth stick fit perfectly into the tube allowing you to easily extend the length of a flower stem for inserting into an arrangement. A lot of the floral arrangements done by Preston Bailey Designs are HUGE and long stemmed flowers are a must for these, so the water picks with the hyacinth stick fittings were used on almost everything they did for the second course.
One of the highlights of my trip was dinner at Preston Bailey’s home. His chef prepared a raw food meal for us and for those unwilling to try the vegan diet, Preston also had tilapia and pizza. The dessert was ice cream and cookies (again all made via the RAW FOOD principles, which means completely vegan and nothing cooked over 104 degrees). I don’t understand how they make ice cream and cookies this way, but they were fantastic! It is also good for you and your waistline. Preston says it is keeping him young! Hats off to Chef Dana.
Another highlight was meeting Theo Bleckmann, Preston’s partner and musician extraordinaire! Theo travels the world performing and teaching music and singing.
We’re working frantically now with the editors to get the Fundamental Floral Design course online by 9/27/11. It will be available at initially. Over time, it will be available at 2000 colleges and universities across the United States. The course is also being produced in Spanish. The intermediate course will be available shortly after the Fundamentals course is live….Very Exciting stuff covered in the intermediate course, which includes ALL Preston Bailey designs including structures, chandeliers, walls, trees and so much more.
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With no leading brand within the wedding industry it's a level playing field for the small guy! Worth $60 Billion pa in the US alone the average company earns $142,000 pa each! This is an excellent market to be in. Social networking stats on my website!
All of the bride is the largest of the decisions, what colors she wants for her wedding. Floral arrangements, bridesmaids dresses, tuxedos, starting from the color set for the weddingwhole mood.
The colors of the fall into two distinct categories, low. Warm colors include red, yellow, Orange, and all variations in between. The warm color Adds a sense of heat, light, and the brilliance of the flower-arrangement of the community. These colors are also classified as happy and joyful. . Warm colors, however, also can seem to be some overpowering and actually do feel slightly difficult mode.
Cool colors are blue, purple, green, and purples of colors in between. Cool color brings to mind water, grass and create a sense of peace and serenity. Cool colors to make a small space, feel, because they usually have larger fade once from a distance.
Although some of the neutral colors of Brown and black can be a warm tone, depending on how they are mixed. The black hue would be considered a warm redish, one with a touch of blue, is it would be cool. Ultraviolet range, the colors may also cross back and forth with a warm and cool colors. So to be different shades of gray.
Warm colors are the most in the warm months, related to the year, but especially in the invoice. Cooler colors usually is popular during the winter months and early spring. To find the perfect combination for your wedding, because it does not mean that you will need a stick to warm or cool. But you have to be careful how they mix. The colors in a cool and warm, the right balance to create great-looking effect.
Are you having trouble finding sources for all the right accessories to dress up your bouquet? Have you found just the vase you want to use, but you need a dozen of them? I have great news for you. Our sister site, has just expanded its product line to include not only all the fun accessories to add to your bouquets, but also vases, greenery, even floral lights.
Cut the sleeves off a black hooded sweatshirt with a pair of scissors; this should leave you with an entirely sleeveless sweatshirt. Set the scraps aside for later use.
2Fold your blue piece of fabric in half and outline a V shape; the length of this piece should start at your shoulders and end midway between your thighs. Trace the shape so the wide part of the V begins at the folded crease. The bottom of the V should be flattened, as if you were making a large block letter. Cut this shape out, and then add a deep V-shaped hole for your head to fit through; this opening should lead all the way down to almost waist level, getting gradually narrower. Wear this on top of the black sleeveless sweatshirt, and tie it at the waist using a piece of black sash or rope.
3Use the remaining blue fabric to create kneepads that cover the entire area from the knee down on the front of your sweatpants. Either glue these pieces on or use a needle and thread to hand-sew them.
4Use the sweatshirt sleeve scraps to create wrist guards. Cut thumb holes in the ends of each sleeve, and remove the portion of fabric from the elbow up so only your forearms will be covered.
5Attach a piece of blue fabric across of the mouth of your ski mask using glue or a needle and thread. Add nostril holes if the mask doesn't already have them to ensure easy breathing during wear.
6Put all of the components together. Wear the sweatpants as your bottoms with black tennis shoes. Wear the sleeve portions over your forearms with the sleeveless hooded sweatshirt to cover your torso, the ski mask to cover your face, the hooded portion of the sweatshirt over the back of the ski mask, and the blue sash to be tied with the sash on top of everything.
Photo Credit Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images; Read Next:When it comes to buying flowers for celebrating an anniversay, saying I love you, or just becuase you want the best bouquet possible at the right price.
Coupon sites are all the rave and everyone want a good deal on buying things that they need. Here are 5 hot deals you don’t want to miss if you are looking to surprise someone with flowers or spend a little less to improve your home decor.
If you need to see more deals on flowers and gifts check out our home page will you will see additional deals on flowers and gifts from some of the top online florist.
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Hold the bed sheet horizontally and wrap it around your body at about waist level two times.
2Place a safety pin at the point where the toga meets on your waist. You can also place an additional safety pin in that location to make it more secure.
3Place the additional fabric over either shoulder and use the remaining safety pins to attach the fabric over your shoulder to the fabric that is wrapped around your waist.
4Adjust the toga according to your preferences. Some individuals would like to have the toga tight while others can loosen the fabric for a toga that is not as restrictive.
The "over the shoulder" toga will show portions of the user's back. You can also create a toga that will show off your entire back by simply wrapping the fabric around your waist multiple times and using the safety pin to hold it into place.
Read Next:Get the relevant education for this career. Schools such as the QC School of Event and Wedding Planning and the International School of Hospitality offer certificate programs in general event planning. Classes and seminars teach you what your role is as a professional event planner, how to make and stick to a budget, how to work in constrictive time frames, how to plan corporate events including meetings, team-building exercises, and parties, as well as how to plan public events such as ceremonies, open houses, and fundraisers. While none of these classes are specific to hospital event planning, they can be applied in these settings.
2Get relevant work experience for this career. Work as an assistant or full-fledged event planner for a health-related nonprofit organization, a medical supply company or a medication retail firm. The types of events you will need to be able to plan for a hospital can include fundraisers, benefit speeches or concerts, award banquets, and seminars with prominent medical figures. Work for companies that will have need of similar events so that you can gain experience that will be relatable.
3Apply at hospitals with a well-constructed resume and cover letter. Be sure to include not only work experience, but also your educational background and your special skills in your resume. In your cover letter, introduce yourself in a warm but not too personal manner and let the prospective employers know what you can bring to the position that other applicants can't. Be sure to follow all application instructions provided by the hospital, provide all necessary paperwork and if they request that you do not call their offices pay attention to that. Many employers don't have time to take calls about jobs, while others will request that you don't call them to see if you can follow instructions.
4Be professional and prepared for an interview. If they call you to set up an interview, be courteous on the phone, answer their questions honestly, and save the majority of your own questions and comments until you meet them in person. Before you go in, research the hospital you are interviewing at. Learn the important history, management people, and what kinds of events they have done in the past. Make a short list of ideas of events they could have in the future. When you go for your interview, dress professionally, show up on time, and tell them about your ideas to show that you can perform your job if hired. Be sure to thank them for their time when the interview is over. One to two days after your interview, send them a fax, letter, or email letting them know again that you appreciate them talking to you and hope they are still considering you for the position.
Before pursuing this career, determine if you have the proper interests and skills to work as an event planner in a hospital setting. If you are organized, able to multitask, willing to work within budget and time restraints, and comfortable working with the public, this may be a job you will excel in.
You may not be required to have any kind of specific education to get a job as a hospital event planner, but it can often help you understand what to expect with the job and show a prospective employer how dedicated you are to this as a career.
You can send one follow-up message after doing an interview, to keep yourself in mind when they are making hiring decisions, but don't send anymore than that. If you are too insistent and take up too much of their time, they may decide not to hire you.
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This wedding e-Guide helps brides select their wedding music and hire musicians. Great to sell or offer with other wedding offers. 50% commissions.
eHow Food, Rachael Ray and her Buddies want to show you how to get more out of every day, every meal and every moment.
Stir together the butter and sugar in a large mixing bowl. Add vanilla extract and eggs into the mix and stir until they are blended. Pour the flour, baking powder and salt into the liquids. Stir the ingredients together until they're completely mixed and form a dough.
2Cover the bowl with cellophane and place it in a refrigerator for one to two hours, until the dough is chilled.
3Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit about 30 minutes before you plan to bake the cookies.
4Sprinkle some flour on a clean, flat surface and put the chilled dough on top. Roll the dough with a rolling pin until it is about 1 inch thick. Press a tractor-shaped cookie cutter into the dough. Remove the cutout and place it on an ungreased baking sheet. Continue cutting out tractor shapes from the dough. Ensure you have at least enough cookies to give one to each guest. The recipe will provide enough dough for about five dozen cookies. Place the cookies in the oven and bake for eight to 10 minutes, or until they turn lightly brown around their edges. Remove them from the oven and allow them to cool.
5Dab a small rubber spatula into a frosting. This frosting should be the color you want the tractor cookie favor to be, such as red or green. Spread the frosting over all of the tractor-shaped cookies, covering the entire surface of each cookie.
6Place a few spoonfuls of black frosting into a plastic bag. Snip off the very end of one corner of the bag. Squeeze the black frosting from that corner onto the cookie to create the two circular tires of the tractor, using the shape of the cookie as a guide. Color in the tires with the black frosting.
7Use the black frosting in the bag to write the name of one guest in the center of the tractor cookie. Make this name above the tires. Slowly move the frosting across the cookie to form each letter of the name. For longer names, create smaller lettering as you scroll the letters across the cookie.
8Place a clean bandana across a platter. This will give the cookie display a barnyard or rugged tone. Lay the finished tractor cookies onto the platter. Display the cookies near the exit of the party for guests to take with them as they leave.
Package the tractor cookie favors for guests to take home by lightly wrapping each cookie in a grease-proof paper and placing it in an individual gift box.
Photo Credit Images; Read Next:eHow Food, Rachael Ray and her Buddies want to show you how to get more out of every day, every meal and every moment.
If you are planning to create your own wedding reception centerpieces, one of the best things out there for creating arrangements is Floral Foam. It’s great for holding stems together and retaining water to make sure that your reception centerpieces stay at their freshest.
Floral foam is generally sold in blocks, is soft and has an almost clay like appearance. It should not be confused with the Styrofoam product that is used for holding artificial flowers in place which is a lighter green color, porous in appearance and hard to the touch.
You are going to want your floral foam to fit snugly into the container. You can shape your foam by either cutting small sections away at a time or by pressing the foam to the opening of your container and then trimming it to fit. Floral foam should extend about an inch over the top of the container.
Once you’ve got your foam in the right shape and size, you will need to soak it in water to prepare it for use. A good rule of thumb for how much water to use is to fill your bucket or sink with enough water so that you have 2/3 more the amount of water to the height of the foam. For instance, if your foam is 5 inches high, you should have about 8 inches of water in your bucket or your sink.
Place your foam carefully into the water. It is important to remember to not push down. The foam will sink as it absorbs the water, turning a darker green. Once it is completely saturated, it will bob back up to the surface. This whole process shouldn’t take more than 1-2 minutes depending on the size of your foam box.
Top florist from around the country will compete in an “Iron Chef” Style competition for the Sylvia Cup.
The stage will be set as top floral designers are given two hours, flowers and supplies, and given a task to create something special.
The competition which largely goes unnoticed outside of the floral industry will be celebrating its 44th anniversary. Yet the Sylvia Cup is the floral industry’s longest running, live national annual floral design competition.
It’s to bad the show isn’t televised, which could prove to boost an industry that doesn’t get a whole lot of attention like so many other industries.
The current crop of constestants will come from winners of state and regional floral industry design contests, designers of the year and members of the prestigious American Institute of Floral Designers. Check them out on the Society of American Florists facebook photo album.
The top florist or master florist will win the $2,500 grand prize, the Sylvia Cup, plus industry and local publicity. It takes place at the Westin Mission Hills Resort and Spa. Learn more about this event by going visiting Society of American Florist .
Spanish marriages: differ according to the geographic location of the Spanish community and their exposure to the inflows of different cultures and external influences. Outside of the Spain, there are major communities Hispanic (US citizen of Spanish or Latin American origin) on the West Coast and Central America, with communities Latino (from Latin American or Mexican origin) in South America.
Background of traditional Spanish marriages:Continental Spain is composed of 15 parts, not including the Balearic Islands and the Islands Cannary. It is the third largest country in Europe. The Spain is predominantly Catholic (about 94%) with a smattering of ethnic groups, the Basques, Jewish, the Moors and the Roma. Spanish history has its roots in Iberian and Latin influences. Almost all the Spaniards speak Spanish, however, regional identity is strong, and many still speak Basque, Catalan and the Galician. Differences in food and dress are also marked because of the diversity of terrain, climate, and if the country or city based. Portugal and the France are to the West and east/northeast respectively, with the Mediterranean to the North and the South Atlantic.
Get married in your country of origin:
Spanish law recognizes civil and religious marriages. However, Spanish marriages are renowned for their administrative procedures. If both parties are not residents of the Spain, it may be possible to marry in the capital city of Madrid. However, it may take up to 8 weeks for the Spanish officials to approve a marriage proposal. Then all your legal documents must be translated into Spanish and authenticated. If you plan to ?Do It Yourself?, it is suggested that you, or someone who is ready to help you, commonly is Spanish. You need to the cost of international telephone calls to factor in your wedding budget. Please contact your Embassy who may advise you on the various protocols and any possibility to marry outside Madrid. It is obvious that if one or both parties are Spanish residents, then there will be greater flexibility as to where you are able to marry.
Spanish Wedding Traditions:
- permission is sorting by father/guardian for his daughter?s hand
-a special dinner for the two families was held in the course of which the groom presents an engagement ring, prometida? ?anillo
-the bride presents her husband with a watch and embroidery to the day of the wedding, a rallongrée shirt
-the groom gives his bride 13 parts ?monedas?, (arras), which she carries in a handbag at her marriage
-While brides may now wear white traditionally the bride is a black silk dress and black sail delicate ?bolillos?, (lace), in some regions, a ?mantilla?, (variant of sailing), is worn with a ?peineta?, (high comb made of turtle)
-the marriage ceremony starts late afternoon, usually 7 pm
-the traditional role of the ?damas?, (bridesmaids), to dress as the bride to thwart any attempted abduction on it is redundant, now they take the modern support role to the bride, accompanied by ?chambelares?, their escort
-edge young officers are called ?pajeaitos?, such as flower girls, page boys or carriers of the ring
-the role of the best man is to give the bride of his ?ramo?, (bouquet of marriage), which will include the spraying of orange blossom and a special poem dedicated to the bride and groom
-flowers adorn the door of the House of bride?s
-the bride is accompanied at the ceremony of marriage by his father, while his mother is accompanied by the best man
-married is escorted to the aisle by her mother.
-the priest blesses the arras during the marriage ceremony
-rice and rose petals are thrown on the couple when they leave the Church
-a celebration of marriage ?bodas? follows, coastal communities will have an influence of seafood
- ?sequidillas manchegas?, (wedding dance) a place in the course of which the guests are the bride and married with this marriage
If they are invited to any Spanish marriages do not forget your invitations. You will be denied entry to the celebrations of unless you are able to produce!
Variations on the Spanish marriages:
Hispanic marriages are not different from the above. However, at the wedding ceremony the bride and the groom have three sponsors who carry out specific roles:
- rano? ?padrinos (sponsor of the bouquet)
- Lazo? ?padrinos (sponsor of the Rosary)
- Arras? ?padrinos (sponsor of the 13 parts)
A large Rosary is wrapped around the shoulders of the couple in a figure eight.
There are many aspects of Spanish marriages that can be incorporated into a marriage Western modern. I hope you have fun in your own organization.
Spanish marriage Traditions and rituals of Spain and South America...
At the ceremony:
-check on bailiffs
s ' sit in the seat of the right hand on the right side of groom?s
-If necessary, witness to the signing of the register
s ' ensure that all costs are paid, for example to the Registrar and Minister, organist, etc.
-escort Chief Maid of honour, after the bride and the groom at the wedding reception
-help the photographer to organize photographs guests
s ' ensure that all transport to the reception roomAt the reception:
-in the line of reception (reception line) and to welcome the guests
-announce the speeches and cake cutting if there is no master of ceremonies
-read cards, e-mails, or telex messages
-give the third and final speech and response on behalf of the bridesmaids
-have the first dance with the Chief bridesmaid
-decorate the car away? ?going
-put the luggage in the car
-Make sure that the bride and groom change and leave time
-announce the bride and groom?s starting and throwing the bouquet
-support the groom?s clothing of marriage, if necessary, after the marriageAfter the marriage:
s ' ensure that the gifts of marriage are stored safely
-return any hired clothing and accessoriesAs a rule, like the marriage, the most involved and occupied the best man will be helped the Bride and Groom. You always spare cash and a shirt of alternatives for the groom.
Best man, the right hand man Groom?s - here are a few rules to follow
Headgear of bridesmaids follow the same rules as the Bride?s. The idea is not step to surpass the bride, but to compliment him and his style, reflect and agree at the time of the day takes place the marriage, and finally to look as well at the end of the day at the beginning.
If you have not already does, you can click on the following link for my top 10 tips for wedding hairstyles:
wedding hairstyles.Bridesmaids headgear: complete the bride
First concern is the style and the formality of marriage and the style of hair bride?s. For example:
- If the bride?s hair is long, it may decide to carry up to and want her attendant to do as
-If the hair bride?s is long, but the marriage is informal, it may decide to wear his hair down. So young it may choose a modern look and wants its employees to adopt a similar ? half appearance half if older that it can decide to have its existing style move stirred and for its employees follow the not.
-If the hair bride?s is short the formality of the occasion will determine if its servants wear their hair to the top or bottom
Usually, bridesmaids, and the bride, have their hair attended to by the same hairdresser or a team of hairdressers, therefore the question of ?inappropriate? styles should not arise. However, if it is expected that the bridesmaids should ?do? their own hair, the bride must communicate the look wanted for parents of young bridesmaids and her chief Maid of honour to transmit to the other servants.
Bridesmaids headgear: a style to suit everyone
-for morning weddings: regardless of long hair or short, straight or Kale, bridesmaids may wear their hair down. However, it is usual ?dress? hair, e.g. curl straight hair, with a more intelligent/tidy look, blowing shaking, featuring hairpins/Hair-Combs decorative, etc.
-for a wedding afternoon through the evening or a marriage of the evening, bridesmaids should wear their hair up. Assistance may be required if accessories hair must be worn.
Who pays?
Who pays the costs of hair will depend on the financial situation of the bride?s. Usually, the family of the bride/bride?s will be collect hair expenses and be responsible for making the relevant reservations with a living room and a hairdressing salon. However, if the bride does not collect fees (i) it should communicate this clearly to the bridesmaid (s) and (ii) it will then be up to the bridesmaid decide if they want to make an appointment with a hairdressing salon.
Bridesmaids headgear: ideas
Collect pictures of hair bridesmaid?s in various styles. Share with the bride and discuss those which are not only conducive to the formality of the occasion, but also that suits you. I?m ensure that it will appreciate the input! Bridesmaids headgear
California marriages: why in California? The geographical location, diverse and local climate have all and more, to offer that could potentially desired. Each name is supplied, as are Interreligious marriages.
770 Kilometres long and 250 km wide that is located on the West Coast (Pacific Ocean) of United States of America. It is the third largest State, Governor of it?s, Hollywood actor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Where better to have your marriage and subsequently the promenade along the coast in a Cadillac pink open back listening to Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys!
Californian theme Weddings:- (b)each
- (B)each part of surf ? Boys
- Band ? city parks or large national parks e.g. Yosemite Park
- Breakout ? escape from Alcatraz
- Cowboy ? raids, the readers of livestock and rodeos
- Deconomics ? ?Death Valley?, Mojave and Colorado
- Disneyland
- Hollywood
- Jazz, Dixieland Blues, San Francisco
- Jpublished 4
- Lank was or winter ? Tahoe, Salton Sea, Owens and Searles
- Mountains ? Whitney, of the Sierra Nevada, Cascade chain (Mt Shasta portion thereof)
- Rivers extreme sports ?, white water rafting - Sacramento, San Joaquin and world famous rivers Colorado
- Sskiing in winter, travelling by snow mobile, Aspen, Vail
- Steamboats in the old city of Sacramento
- Underwater ? diving with sharks or swim with the dolphins
- Universal Studios
- Vineyards ? Napa, Sonoma, Alaxander, river valleys of Russia
- Zoos and aquariums gogo
California marriage tips:
California, like any other marriages take planning. You must keep in mind:
- the average temperature of 92.9 high 14.3 low to extreme minus 20 and more than 140 degrees
-the coastal region has more moderate weather
-It is a ? from October to April rainy season in Northern California, and from November to March/April in Southern California
-There is a season dry (just aim to avoid the above)!
-the three major cities in San Diego, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles are impressive, but a nightmare of traffic
-the line of the San Andreas fault runs through California!
-Cajun food is a must to try, but you can find all varieties of cooking
-do not fruit of any kind in California
I hope that you enjoy a Californian Dream Wedding.
Marriages California all that you need to know