Lay a clear shower curtain over the top of your yellow or white vinyl raincoat and use a black marker to trace the outline of the opening between the hood and the rest of the jacket. Cut this piece out of the curtain using a pair of scissors.
2Sew the clear plastic piece into the raincoat so that when you put it on with the hood up, your face will be covered with a layer of plastic. Poke some holes in the plastic to ensure that you won't have any difficulty breathing while wearing the suit.
3Use a prepared stencil of the biohazard symbol, or make your own by tracing an image of the symbol onto a piece of cardboard and cutting out the appropriate sections. Re-create the image on the back of your vinyl raincoat using black paint, then add words like "Hazmat" or "Biohazard" across either the back or the front of your suit. Allow the paint ample drying time before wearing the costume.
4Put on the jacket along with vinyl pants, rubber boots and gloves in a matching color and a pair of plastic safety goggles as an added touch. You can also wear a surgeon's mask, but since you already have a plastic layer protecting your face, this accessory is optional.
To make the costume spooky, create a "gross-out" factor by adding some splatters of red or green paint to the suit. Another idea is to do your makeup to look as though you were exposed to the hazardous material and disfigured as a result.
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