Spanish marriages: differ according to the geographic location of the Spanish community and their exposure to the inflows of different cultures and external influences. Outside of the Spain, there are major communities Hispanic (US citizen of Spanish or Latin American origin) on the West Coast and Central America, with communities Latino (from Latin American or Mexican origin) in South America.
Background of traditional Spanish marriages:Continental Spain is composed of 15 parts, not including the Balearic Islands and the Islands Cannary. It is the third largest country in Europe. The Spain is predominantly Catholic (about 94%) with a smattering of ethnic groups, the Basques, Jewish, the Moors and the Roma. Spanish history has its roots in Iberian and Latin influences. Almost all the Spaniards speak Spanish, however, regional identity is strong, and many still speak Basque, Catalan and the Galician. Differences in food and dress are also marked because of the diversity of terrain, climate, and if the country or city based. Portugal and the France are to the West and east/northeast respectively, with the Mediterranean to the North and the South Atlantic.
Get married in your country of origin:
Spanish law recognizes civil and religious marriages. However, Spanish marriages are renowned for their administrative procedures. If both parties are not residents of the Spain, it may be possible to marry in the capital city of Madrid. However, it may take up to 8 weeks for the Spanish officials to approve a marriage proposal. Then all your legal documents must be translated into Spanish and authenticated. If you plan to ?Do It Yourself?, it is suggested that you, or someone who is ready to help you, commonly is Spanish. You need to the cost of international telephone calls to factor in your wedding budget. Please contact your Embassy who may advise you on the various protocols and any possibility to marry outside Madrid. It is obvious that if one or both parties are Spanish residents, then there will be greater flexibility as to where you are able to marry.
Spanish Wedding Traditions:
- permission is sorting by father/guardian for his daughter?s hand
-a special dinner for the two families was held in the course of which the groom presents an engagement ring, prometida? ?anillo
-the bride presents her husband with a watch and embroidery to the day of the wedding, a rallongrée shirt
-the groom gives his bride 13 parts ?monedas?, (arras), which she carries in a handbag at her marriage
-While brides may now wear white traditionally the bride is a black silk dress and black sail delicate ?bolillos?, (lace), in some regions, a ?mantilla?, (variant of sailing), is worn with a ?peineta?, (high comb made of turtle)
-the marriage ceremony starts late afternoon, usually 7 pm
-the traditional role of the ?damas?, (bridesmaids), to dress as the bride to thwart any attempted abduction on it is redundant, now they take the modern support role to the bride, accompanied by ?chambelares?, their escort
-edge young officers are called ?pajeaitos?, such as flower girls, page boys or carriers of the ring
-the role of the best man is to give the bride of his ?ramo?, (bouquet of marriage), which will include the spraying of orange blossom and a special poem dedicated to the bride and groom
-flowers adorn the door of the House of bride?s
-the bride is accompanied at the ceremony of marriage by his father, while his mother is accompanied by the best man
-married is escorted to the aisle by her mother.
-the priest blesses the arras during the marriage ceremony
-rice and rose petals are thrown on the couple when they leave the Church
-a celebration of marriage ?bodas? follows, coastal communities will have an influence of seafood
- ?sequidillas manchegas?, (wedding dance) a place in the course of which the guests are the bride and married with this marriage
If they are invited to any Spanish marriages do not forget your invitations. You will be denied entry to the celebrations of unless you are able to produce!
Variations on the Spanish marriages:
Hispanic marriages are not different from the above. However, at the wedding ceremony the bride and the groom have three sponsors who carry out specific roles:
- rano? ?padrinos (sponsor of the bouquet)
- Lazo? ?padrinos (sponsor of the Rosary)
- Arras? ?padrinos (sponsor of the 13 parts)
A large Rosary is wrapped around the shoulders of the couple in a figure eight.
There are many aspects of Spanish marriages that can be incorporated into a marriage Western modern. I hope you have fun in your own organization.
Spanish marriage Traditions and rituals of Spain and South America...

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