Monday, September 5, 2011

Alternative DIY Wedding favors

Alternative DIY wedding favors: give something a little different or unusual that you have made, or custom, is a great honour for the recipient. You can choose to do something in keeping with the theme of your wedding. You can also choose to do something with the season that you are getting married. That is you decide don?t forget keep one or two special samples for yourself (that?s if it?s not edible!).

Alternative seasonal ideas

The southern hemisphere summer, the following must be reversed ? i.e.: December ? February, autumn: March ? may, etc.

Spring (March ? May)

- Cook lots of: Easter-eggs/miniature Easter eggs / chocolate truffles
-Cook a few small breads/Easter cake and Ginger bread men hot-cross

Summer (June ? August)
- make a piece of pottery
-give the recipe for your House bbq favorite marinade

autumn and autumn (September - November)
-manufacture of some trick or treat bags lolly
-doing some House candle facts / scented joss sticks

Winter (December - February)

- make a decoration of Christmas or Xmas cracker
-make a miniature Christmas cake

Alternatives for theme weddings

- design and have a stamp commemorative marriage is
-write a commemorative poem / song, incorporating the names of all your guests.
-embroider a sense of marriage or a marriage joke

Alternative DIY wedding favors: personal

-give a CD of music for your wedding
-on a roll of parchment, give a copy of your marriage vows to another
-make an image of the frame and put a photo of yourself in it
-research and give a copy of your genealogical tree
-give a copy of the poems of marriage, you have read

Alternative DIY wedding favors: various

- designing a course of roller coaster and place mat and laminate them (possibly a picture of the bride and the married date of marriage)
-make a reservation / flavored cooking oil
-give a map of ticket or scratch lottery

Before deciding on your alternative DIY wedding favors don't forget to take into account the number of guests you have invited. On the one hand materials in bulk-purchase can reduce your costs, a higher number of printing can lower the price. On the other hand, an increase in the number may also effect reverses.

Alternative DIY Wedding favors

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